

Town planning and real estate law

Town planning and real estate law

Legal advice covers all matters related to the construction, development, financing and real estate investment of residential buildings, offices, business parks, logistics warehouses, hotels, resorts, retail parks and leisure centres.


Legal advice covers all matters related to:​

Tax planning of real estate investment


Negotiation and drafting of all types of real estate contracts (deposit, purchase option, private purchase and sale contracts, leases, transfers of use, commodatums, etc.).

Acquisition and sale of all types of real estate assets.


Cadastral certifications.

Obtaining occupancy licences.

Town planning reports.

Application for all types of urban planning licences, permits and administrative authorisations necessary for the construction and urban development process.

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Estamos disponibles para brindarles un asesoramiento personalizado y profesional.

+34 965 03 89 37

Horario de verano
Del 1 de agosto al 30 de septiembre
De lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 15:00 horas
Horario de invierno:
Del 1 de octubre al 31 de julio
Mañanas: De lunes a jueves de 8:30 a 14:00 horas. Viernes: De 8:30 a 14:30 horas
Tardes: Martes y jueves de 15:00 a 18:00 horas

Financiado por la Unión Europea

Fondos Next Generation EU.

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