The evolution of the modern economy is a symptom of the competitiveness that exists today in companies. For their optimal development in this environment, it is essential to have effective, transparent and continuously updated advice on the legal-tax context in which they will have to face, in order to remain and grow successfully in a market with laws that are constantly changing.
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+34 965 03 89 37
Horario de verano
Del 1 de agosto al 30 de septiembre
De lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 15:00 horas
Horario de invierno:
Del 1 de octubre al 31 de julio
Mañanas: De lunes a jueves de 8:30 a 14:00 horas. Viernes: De 8:30 a 14:30 horas
Tardes: Martes y jueves de 15:00 a 18:00 horas
Financiado por la Unión Europea
Fondos Next Generation EU.